Friday, February 15, 2008


Phil Beadle from DNN has a new post up adding in a layer of abstraction in the UI for better testability. At work we've been working with the same model (although I believe Phil has modified it some) and found it pretty good for testing the UI and reducing places for failure.

He mentions using Rhino Mocks which I've been taking a look at as well recently. Pretty cool stuff, but make sure you read up on identifying Mocks vs. Stubs. This framework can do a lot of things, it's strongly typed, has natural syntax, and pretty much endless possibilities.

I've personally been struggling between this model and MVC (such as Microsoft's new ASP.NET MVC pattern that Scott Guthrie and Phil Haack have been blogging about). They use very similar language but are pretty different in the end. I think MVP is a little bit easier to implement but MVC is easier to test. Both provide great mechanisms for testing though.

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